Chrismukah day was fantastic. Kids actually slept in a bit I think we got up about 6. Had a coffee, opened presents. I got my darrell lea thing - its not chrismukah without it.
Had a huge breaky - bacon, eggs, fresh bread that we baked over night, and other stuff. Very yummy.
Went to the Shaws place about 10 or 11. Nix misses her family at christmas (I already said that in a previous post, but its very relevant today). It was such a great day with them. Lots of beautiful food, beautiful people, lots to drink and eat. Lots of laughing.
There was lots of prawns and lobster and oysters and stuff for lunch. I made those rum and sugar prawns. THey were great. I experimented with a few prawns too. Instead of rum, I used that orange liquor (I forget the name of it). They weren't very nice. Perhaps it was that I burnt the sauce. Not sure.
For me, christmas is more like pesach than anything else. Although Hanukah falls in the same period, its doesnt really have a similar thing. You know at Peasch when we say that if somebody hasn't got anywhere to go for sedar nights, then we bring them to our place... well...
Jo gave Nix one of those photo boxes. The ones that you put a picture around the outside of the box, and inside are a few loose leaved flappy bits that hang down off little wooden blocks. I think it is fantastic. We are going to fill it today I think.
We were going to get Arthur a bike for chrismukah, but when we notice how much stuff was under the tree for the kids (that all our interstate family sent), and given the fact that the end-of-year sales were going to begin on boxing day, we decided to get it when those sales are on.
He got a microscope for chrissy from noonoo. He loves it. We squashed an ant and looked through the microscope. Funky. He also got one of those huge robots from zid. We had Roelo and Gary over last night for a drink and we found ourselves playing with Arthurs robot. It is a brilliant piece of technology.
Charli just walked over to me and farted. I think that Charli has the smelliest farts in the world.
Nix got some boxing gloves. I cant wait for her to beat me up.
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