Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Little Wing

The kids are still on holidays. It's much better when they are on holidays. Homework is such a freakin' stress in our house.
I never liked school. Or maybe it was the idea of school. Being at school was alright. Just the actual school work I didn't like very much. The teachers never really liked me much. I was a bit of a slacker. Just passing. Not giving any more them I had to. Hardly turning in any homework. I'm surprised I lasted until year 11.
We smoked lots and lots of pot at school. Don't worry... I've come beyond that in my moving along with life.
Nix brought back the Halo Reach Xbox game from America. Arthur and I were playing it tonight. It's really awesome. Lots of action, great music, guns and stuff, noisy.
Now it's bed time. I'm listening to Little Wing by Jimmy Hendrix. I think it was just the thing that made me want to write this shit down.
I never really liked to read. The only books I've read were the Harry Potter books. I really enjoyed them. Arthur doesn't read much either. He does however read comic books. The New Avengers are his fave.

This is the latest one he's reading. I suppose anything to read is better than Nothing.
We went to Surfers Paradise over the Easter long weekend to spend Pesach (Passover) with the family. It was just an awesome weekend and was so great to spend some time with all the family. Parents, cousins, kids, aunties, uncles, brothers. The best part was having all the kids playing in the pool, in the surf, in the park.
Dynamo Hum. One of Frank Zappas greatest contributions to the planet.
I often forget things. So, I take photos of things I need to remember. We had a heat bottle of red the other night in Queensland. This one...

If you haven't tried this, I recommend that you do.

- Posted with headphones on.

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