The Best Wedding
I think that women have more than one child because they don't remember the pain. Someone once told me that. I believed them. I still believe them. It's like the electrified donut that Bart Simpson was trying to take. He tried, then he got shocked. He tried again. He got shocked again. He tried again and again and again. What a schmock.
I think that love is similar. Someone once told me that if the last wedding was not the best wedding that you have been to, then it wasn't a good wedding. For some reason it was true. For me anyway. I didn't understand why it was true, but I think I do now know. You see, I think that love, like pain, is not remembered. I don't mean that you forget it, or forget about it, I just mean that the feeling of love, and pain, can not be remembered in the same way that it was experienced.
Every wedding has love sprawled all over it. Not just for the obvious - bride and groom, but for the whole thing. The joining, the promise, the newness, the hope of begetting and the begotten, the meetings, the re-meetings, the singing, dancing, cuddling, laughing and the love that everyone excretes. There are no hugs at weddings, but there are plenty of cuddles.
When all is over, nothing is forgotten. But, the love that was felt at the day is not fully remembered (unless it was your own wedding of course!)... perhaps felt rather than remembered is the appropriate word. This is why, when it is experienced again at the next wedding, I think that wedding should be the best wedding that one has have ever been to.
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